Mr. Barroso should resign
May 10, 2012. Please keep in mind this date. It is the date in which stupidity and arrogance have touched their highest point in the European euro construction. Never had such a low point been touched...
View ArticleThe Barroso-rule for Europe and the Deutsche Mark Necessity
…. so of course the agreements have to be respected, by everybody. And if the agreements are not respected, it means that we are not in the condition to continue with a country that does not respect...
View ArticleOf Madison, Lincoln and a European Leader with no Name yet.
I apologize for not posting so often in English. I wish I could be able to do more! For those of you that have missed the last news from Planet Europe, well, lots is lost and little is lost. The …...
View ArticleThe Movie: How Europe Won its Battle
Featuring: the bystanders and movie shooters: the European politicians the small buffalo: Greece and the likes the Buffalo herd: the Europeans the lions: your call, I have my opinion the alligator: a...
View ArticleDr. Draghi’s bumblebee needs to grow with its own, small, wings
I welcomed Mario Draghi’s full commitment for a monetary policy meant to reduce spreads in the euro-area government bonds (“to the extent that the size of these sovereign premia hampers the functioning...
View ArticleSpiralling conflicts in Europe
There is increasingly growing concern of mutual distrust between Italian and Germans (should I say Germans and Italians?) leaking finally in the press since Italian Prime Minister Monti mentioned it....
View ArticleThe State of the Less than Perfect Union
One should read with keen attention the word pronounced by Mr. Barroso, the European Commission (EC) President, yesterday for the (EU) State of the Union. They contain many interesting suggestions for...
View ArticleRodrik’s trilemma is false. The euro trilemma is another one
That is where my political trilemma begins to bite: We cannot have globalization, democracy, and national sovereignty simultaneously. We must choose two among the three. If European leaders want to...
View ArticleEurope, a Unionized Empire? No thank you, an Imperial Union (and some irony)
Several years ago, the former President of the European Commission Barroso declared about the European Union: “We are a very special construction unique in the history of mankind. Sometimes I like to...
View ArticleA different euro Union is possible: why I choose NO
The paradox of this referendum is that it is not clear on what we are really voting. It remains, in the form – and form is substance, as Aristotle said, even more so in a continent where many...
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